مطلوب ف الامتحان ترجمتها
ص 45 القطعه 17
the jurisdiction of the state
1@ every country consists of land, air and water .international law,in determining the extent and limits of state jurisdiction,divides these elements into the land- including inland waters the territorial sea and the airspace.inland water comprise lakes rivers, canals,and the water of ports.the territorial sea is extending for a defined distance from low water mark or some other coastal baseline. the airspace is the volume of air a bove the surfaces of the land and the territorial sea
ص 49 القطعه رقم 20
2@the human rights
human rights are sometimes called fundamental rights or basic rights or natural rights.as fundamentel or basic rights they are those which must not be taken away by any legislature or any act of government and which are often set out in a constitution. as natural rights they are seen as belonging to men and woman by their very nature.another way to describe them would be to call them " common rights" for they are rights which all men or women in the world should share
ص62 القطعه29
the specialized agencies
the specialized agencies are independent intergovermental organizations, established by constitutional treaties with responsiblities in economic,social and human rights and brought into relationship with the U.N by special agreement in accordance with article 57 and3 of the charter
ص 52 القطعه 21 the united nations
the united nations is the international organization that has the most attention due to its global character,the emphasis of its charter on the problem of war and peace, and the wide range of its activity increasing in an interdependent world.but the U.N. is only a part of the modern world of international organizations. in addition to the"intergovernmental organizations with wide international responsibilities" that have been brought into reghlarized relationship with the U.N. as specialized abencies, there are other global organizations with highly specialized and technical functions, and there are many of regional organizations with limited membership and varied function.
انشاء الله نلاقى واحده فيهم ف الامتحان يارب